February and March's Schedule
Doctor’s schedule
We can schedule cataract surgery within 3 weeks.

Allergic Conjunctives

Allergic Conjunctives

Allergic conjunctivitis can be caused by an allergy, such as an allergy to pollen (hay fever), house dust mites or cosmetics.

There are four types of allergic conjunctivitis:

seasonal allergic conjunctivitis

this affects both of your eyes and people often get it at the same time as hay fever

perennial allergic conjunctivitis

people with this type of allergic conjunctivitis have symptoms every day throughout the year in both eyes, often on waking each morning

contact dermatoconjunctivitis

this type of conjunctivitis can irritate your eyelids and it occurs most often in people who use eye drops

giant papillary conjunctivitis

this is common in people who use soft contact lenses, although it can also occur in people using hard contact lenses and after eye surgery

You might develop allergic conjunctivitis if you’re allergic to plant pollens that are released into the air at around the same time each year. This is called seasonal allergic conjunctivitis or hay fever conjunctivitis.
Perennial (all year round) allergic conjunctivitis can be caused by house dust mites or animal fur.
Eye drops, cosmetics, and other chemicals can also cause allergic conjunctivitis – eye drops are the most common cause.
You can get a form of allergic conjunctivitis called giant papillary conjunctivitis if you use contact lenses, or after eye surgery.


If you have allergic conjunctivitis, try to keep away from whatever is causing the allergy.
For example if you’re allergic to a cosmetic, don’t use it again and try an alternative product (wait until your symptoms have gone before you try the new product).
It may be more difficult if you’re allergic to pollen, but keeping windows and doors closed on days when the pollen count is very high may help to reduce your symptoms.
A cool compress (a facecloth soaked in cold water) may help to soothe your eyes.

Reservation by phone is also possible.

Office hours






(no lunchtime.)


Our clinic is closed on 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3.


9th floor of Hulic Shinjuku Building,3-25-1, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0022






Online appointment


Doctor career

Director:Yasuhiro Shinkawa

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology)


Japan Ophthalmological Society
Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society
Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons

Certification of Completion

Course of Ophthalmic PDT Study Group
Number of cataract surgery up to the present:About 4000


2001 Graduate-Medical Department of Kumamoto University
2002 Department of Ophthalmology Kyoto University School of medicine
2002 Shimada Municipal Hospital
2008 Japanese Red Cross Society
2010 Kitano Hospital The Tazuke Kofukai Medical Research Institute
2014 Shinjuku-Higashiguchi Eye Clinic


Doctor:Fumiyo Hasegawa

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology)


Japan Ophthalmological Society
Japan Ophthalmologists Associasion
Japanese Association for Strabismus and Amblyopia(JASA)


1992 Graduate- Medical Department of Teikyo Univercity
2002 The head ophthalmologist at International Catholic Hospital
2020 Shinjuku-Higashiguchi Eye Clinic

Main Thesis

Sequelae of ocular trauma in schools.(Japanese)
A case of periodic upper and lower strabismus with loss of periodicity after cataract surgery(Japanese)
Quantitative analysis of eye movement during a cover test for patients with intermittent exotropia(Japanese)

We have 7 full-time service orthoptist, 2 part-time orthoptists, 1 full-time nurse and 4 part-time nurses in our clinic.
Another several ophthalmologists are working here.